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What to Bring to Your First Meeting with a Commercial Litigator

October 17, 2022

Embarking on a lawsuit can be incredibly daunting. While perhaps not as high stakes as a criminal case, a commercial litigation can drag on and on, becoming a major hassle. That’s where the services of a reliable commercial litigator become critical.

When dealing with a commercial litigation in Mississauga, it’s essential to work with a top of the line commercial litigator to ensure the right outcome for you. To help you navigate the troubled waters of legal litigation, our team of law experts at Atlas Law Group have put together a guide for what to bring to your first meeting with a commercial litigator. Come into your litigation prepared and set yourself up to feel empowered throughout your litigation from start to finish.

What does a commercial litigator do?

First, it’s important to have a clear understanding as to what exactly a commercial litigator does going into your case. Commercial litigation in Mississauga is typical to all commercial litigation across the nation–involving the pursuit of legal action in relation to any sort of business relationship.

A commercial litigator should always represent the best interests of their client and their client’s business—keeping your needs top of mind throughout the entire litigation. Essentially, a commercial litigator will craft a legal strategy for your dispute, file any and all paperwork, and act as a mediator when necessary. At their core, they are there to serve your legal needs and ensure a favorable outcome for you and your business.

With that said, our team at Atlas Law Group as outlined everything you should bring to your first meeting with a commercial litigator below.

A detailed account of your situation

Before a commercial litigator can get to doing what they do best, they need a very clear and detailed understanding of the case at hand. You should be prepared with a clear and thorough account of the situation and provide documentation as necessary.

Being thorough is important, however, if it takes you an hour to explain your case, you’re probably including some unnecessary information. Try and keep your explanation to around 15-20 minutes—including all the major elements but omitting anything too tedious.

A clear timeline

Another key piece of your case is your timeline. Laying out a reliable timeline prior to meeting with your commercial litigator will not only help them keep the details straight, but will help you stay on track when explaining your case.

As an example, if you're seeking out a commercial litigator to help with a tenant dispute jot down a timeline that looks a bit like this:

  • September 25th, signed a lease
  • October 14th, first violation of lease agreement
  • October 16th, issue of warning
  • November 29th, second violation of lease agreement
  • December 1st, second warning
  • December 27th, third and final violation of lease agreement
  • January 1st, notification of eviction
  • January 16th, tenant lockout

Proper documentation

Your best friend when it comes to a successful commercial litigation is proper documentation. Not only do these documents serve as evidence for your case, but they too will help your litigator get to know your case in a thorough and reliable way.

Continuing with the lease dispute example, you would want to show up to your first meeting with your litigator with a copy of the signed lease agreement, each warning of lease violation, and the notice of eviction. All of these documents will provide evidence for your case and help your litigator understand what they’re dealing with.

Get in touch with a commercial litigator in Mississauga!

Our team at Atlas Law Group is dedicated to the best interests of our clients. If you need help with a commercial litigation in Mississauga, get in touch today.

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